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  • 執筆者の写真Ayu Yamane

Hidden Enemy Under Your Nerves

These were like mosquito bites. I noticed it around the right side of the backside of my head and neck. Was it caused by my shampoo or my pillow? Either way, it didn’t concern me so much.

I happened to have a periodic health check at a dermatologist, I asked the doctor about my rash. It wasn’t too painful nor itchy.

“Mm, It is shingles.” said the doctor.

Is it? That legendary Shingles?

I’ve heard a lot of stories about Shingles, also known as herpes zoster. My parents have gotten shingles before, and at that time, they told me what the Shingles symptoms were like through their friends experience.

It has blisters.

It has a stabbing kind of pain.

It can cause visual impairment.

It sounded very severe, however mine was just like mosquito bites.

Shingles is caused by the chickenpox virus. Almost all people get chickenpox and recover from it in their childhood but actually its virus remains in your body. It hides behind your nerves. And once your immune system is weakened, the virus wakes up and starts attacking your body again.

It’s like a hidden anti-government group. Although once they were defeated by the government, they hide out somewhere and keep waiting for an opportunity to attack the government again.

Luckily, I found my disease early. I could suppress my hidden virus within one week with anti-virus pills.



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